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  • rosshartmans

Why is everything so expensive?

Life has gone by so quickly since I left Louisville. The past three weeks have been a blur and so much has happened. I have been to a lot of new places, met many wonderful people, and felt a lot of feelings. 

After riding the bus for two hours from Stony Point Retreat Center, I emerged from the bus terminal with my fellow Young Adult Volunteers (YAV)s right into Time Square. The lights, the loud sounds, and the people were overwhelming to my outer Louisville self not to mention I was lugging behind me with all my possessions that I had brought from home. To top it off, it just so happened that when I received my luggage from the luggage claim, one of the wheels chipped and so anytime I rolled my suitcase it sounded like a heartbeat with a shoot of adrenaline!  With my thumping wheel we  navigated the very complicated subway system to our new apartment and place we would be living for the next year.

After two weeks of actually living here i can say that i have learned a lot since then. We have been around the city learning about the different boroughs and seeing cool attraction. my favorite place I have visited so far has been Briant Park which is a large green field in the middle of Manhattan full of dark green fold up chairs and tables that can be moved however you like. I have been amazed by how diverse the city is.  No two blocks are the same and every part is a new thing to explore.

My job placement is Broadway Community located at Broadway Presbyterian Church. I have mostly been helping in the soup kitchen, but also with other church events such as community table as well as other drives and food pantry.  One big worry i had when moving here was that I was going to be stuck; unable to go anywhere because I didn't have a car and because I am used to everything being so far apart. But I was surprised to find that now I can walk anywhere in the city and take the subway if I am lazy. Everything I could ever need is close by, For exampe within two blocks of our building we have a bank, a grocery store, a cafe with quaint outdoor seating, a deli and something like three restaruants.

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Whats New? New York!

This is my blog that i will be posting to about my YAV experience over the next year. I appreciate any one willing to join me one this journey, Thanks for all the support!

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